21 April 2015

Getting to Know Your Favourite SLPs

Natalie Snyders is hosting this linky party and I thought I would join (first one eek!).  

Who am I? 

Well, my name is Collette Tovee and I currently live in Calgary, Alberta.  I originally grew up in beautiful British Columbia but now Alberta is my home. Don't get me wrong, I do miss the short winters and the lack of mosquitoes in BC and I visit every chance I get.   

How I became an SLP is a bit of a long story, maybe I'll go into more details later.  The short version is that I graduated with my Bachelors and Masters from the University of Alberta. I've been working for almost seven years, can't believe it's been that long!  I've been a very small seller on TpT for almost three years. 

What I offer:

I believe that children learn best when they are having fun.  As result I try to make products that are highly interactive and can target a number of goals.  I also know that life as an SLP is crazy busy and sometimes you just need to pick up something quick and go.  I've made a number of file folder games for just those times.

My Dream Job:

I can honestly say that I'm working at my dream job now as a preschool SLP for little ones with significant communication needs. Now no job is perfect but I do love it. It is highly rewarding to see the children grow and bloom.

Three of my favourite things:

1. I love the mountains and being out in the mountains
2. I love the water. Swimming is a big stress reliever for me.
3. I love to cook and bake.  I need to do more of it.

Who else should you know?

There are lots and lots of great SLP sellers out there.  I will give a shout out to a fellow Albertan, Creating Communicators.  Not many of us from here. She's an SLPA with some cute ideas.

Thanks again Natalie.  It is a great idea.


  1. I love your blog graphics! I have never heard of Alberta! I will have to check that out! It's really nice to meet you!

    1. Hi and thanks! 3AM Teacher did them for me and I love it too! Alberta is a great place and the Canadian Rockies can't be beat. Oh and I really love hedgehogs. I almost got one as a pet. Nice to meet you too.

  2. Oh, Canada!!! I hope to get there one day! My husband rode to Alaska on his motorcycle (from South Carolina), and his pictures of Banff were GORGEOUS!

    1. Thanks! I love Banff! You should definitely come here for a visit!

  3. So happy to see Canada represented here!

  4. I'm glad someone from outside the US participated :) Nice to meet you!
